

  • 『美人寿司』とは…
    湯山玲子がひとりで高級寿司屋をクルージングしているうちに、思いついた振り袖姿の寿司パフォーマンス<美人寿司> 。国内外のパーティで寿司パフォーマンスを繰り広げる中、不定期で『美人寿司の夜』という音楽イベントも開催。


  • メールアドレス:




著述家。出版、広告の分野でクリエイティブ・ディレクター、プランナー、プロデューサーとして活動。同時に評論、エッセイストとしても著作活動を行っており、特に女性誌等のメディアにおいては、コメンテーターとしての登場多数。現場主義をモットーに、クラブカルチャー、映画、音楽、食、ファッション等、文化全般を広くそしてディープに横断する独特の視点には、ファンが多い。 メディア、アート、表現文化ジャンルにおける、幅広いネットワークを生かして、近年は、PR、企業のコンサルティングも多く手がけている。著作に『女ひとり寿司』(幻冬舎文庫)、『クラブカルチャー!』(毎日新聞出版局)、『女装する女』(新潮新書)、『四十路越え!』(ワニブックス)など。自らが寿司を握るユニット「美人寿司」を主催し世界を回る。(有)ホウ71取締役。日本大学藝術学部文藝学科非常勤講師。

Reiko Yuyama
: writing and lecture activities.

born in tokyo in 1960. holds the bachelor degree from gakushuin university,
law department. writer, director and producer. based on her hands-on policy
and her curiosity that always gets on the field herself, she crosses over
any border between the genres in cultural scenes - club culture, movies,
music,gourmet or fashion - and goes deeper. her unique perspective has
gained her the strong fan base.the author of "sushi dineouts by a woman alone"(gentosha bunko),"clubculture!"(mainichi newspaper publishing), "woman in drag as a woman"(shinchoshinsho),and "beyond 40s!"(wani books).ex-editor-in-chief of "LOVE PA"(shinco music), a club culture magazine.a representative director of HOU 71 limited. a part time professor atnihon university, faculty of art. organizes the event "bijin-zushi (beautysushi)"where she makes sushi herself. works both in and outside of Japan.










1999年にニューヨークのハウス/クラブミュージックシーンを紹介したムックス、『NEW YORK DANCE FEVER』を編集。同年、有限会社ホウ71設立。(※)その折からクラブミュージック&カルチャーに興味を持ち、2000年には、シンコーミュージックより、クラブカルチャー月刊誌『LOVE PA!』の創刊編集長になり、2002年春まで歴任。






2000年代は、プロデュース、イベント制作、商品開発も手がけている。2000年、東洋水産にて、インターネットの声から商品化を目論んだ、カップ麺「インドメン」のディレクション。2005年には、森ビルアカデミーヒルズにて「 ビビッドなアーティストへのインタビュー講座 カフェゼミナール」 を実施。2006年に、六本木ヒルズ展望台にアフリカの夜空を出現させた<星空の庭園 ブラネタリウム・アフリカーナ>、2006年から2008年まで通年で行った、野宮真貴リサイタル、2008年、丸ビルのカフェイーズで行った「丸ビルで、舞妓遊び」などのプロデューサーとして活動。


2008年、野宮真貴、篠崎真紀との共著『エレガンス中毒』(インファス)、 2009年、香山リカ、小田嶋隆との共著『雅子様論争』(洋泉社新書) 2010年、神田昌典との共著『ビジネスの成功はデザインだ』(マガジンハウス)、などを上梓。

2008年『女装する女』(新潮新書)、2010年『四十路越え!』刊行。この情報反乱時代において、いや、だからこそメディアに現れない、女性の欲望のあり方を見抜き、多くの女性たちの共感を得る。20代から50代の幅広い世代の女性誌などのメディアに登場する機会も多く、 ロールモデル無き時代の女性の力強く、肯定的な生き方を提言し、多くの共感を得ている。



事業内容: 編集、広告、イベントの企画、制作。湯山玲子執筆、講演活動。




●●●Personal Background

Reiko Yuyama was born and raised in Kugayama, Suginami-ku ,Tokyo.
As the eldest daughter of Akira Yuyama, a renowned composer, and Keiko
Asakura, a teacher of a musical choir,she was familiarized with the sound of piano from a very early age, even asa prenatal training.
This fortunate backdrop however did not lead to any exceptional talent in piano.
Ironically and as if in rebellion, Reiko became indulged in rock and pop music.

Upon finishing studies at university (gakushuin univ/department of law),
she landed her first job at the publisher,PIA, just as any ordinary young girl would have (well maybe not ordinary;it was before the equal employment opportunity act took effect for men and women).In highschool and university, Reiko’s passion was dedicated to playing the drums in her band, which,after decades of break, she recently recommenced. She is currently going under the drumming “rehabilitation”
program. In university she also belonged to the diving club.She spent hours under the water, Reiko’s annual dive hours being the club’s NO1.

Career History

At PIA, a pioneer of the booming culture/information magazines in 1980s,
she was in charge of rakugo(japanese traditional comic story telling), kabuki, nou/kyogen(japanes etraditional masked/comedy plays),and small theater productions features. After transferring to the advertisement tie-up editorial division,
Reiko directed special publications as the chief editor for various clients
such as KIRIN Beer, TDK, and tourism bureaus of many countries. For "PIA MAP hongkong", she stayed in hong kong and tried almost all the restaurants while editing the tourist guide. She also edited theNHK TV program’s first comprehensive
cultural study on fashion- "fashion dream volume 1 and 2 ", just to name a
few of her works.Advertisement publications she has directed include "kabuki wonderland".During the bubble economy, many upturning companies proactively extended authority and challenges to people in their 20s. The granted freedom and gourmet lifestyle blew her figure, her weight becoming inevitably unmanageable...

At the beginning of 90s, Reiko became a freelance advertising/editorial director and directed many issues for monthly “switch" magazine, including the city culture feature for Amsterdam, London, Bali, LosAngeles and Moscow .She interviewed many world-renowned personalities such as Burt Bacharach or
Malcolm Maclaren. The issue "Life named Amsterdam" in 1996 became the bible for students interested in studying abroad and left a significant infuence on the urban Japanese artists. The report she coordinated to be done by movie director
Ryosuke Hashiguchi later became the plot for his movie "hush!".

Despite the recession in 90s, class&niche magazines were prosperous. She
travelled around the world for the magazines and made friends globally. Reiko directed many pamphlets and books for movies. Starting with the
limited art book for "april story", she followed with the series of the print publications for all the film works by director Shuji Iwai ("Swallowtail Butterfly",
"All about Lily Chou-Chou", "Hana and Alice") . Reiko was also a communications director for all his movies. In addition, "ring", works from Francois Truffaut/ Antoine Doinel" and "VITAL" from the director Shinya Tsukamoto, to name a few others works.*Movie pamphlets then were perceived with the same level of design and contents as the publicized books.Thus, Reiko carried on many interesting and innovative challenges with the

In 1999, she directed the extra edition of the culture magazine "NEW YORK
DANCE FEVER"introducing the house/club music scenes in NYC. In the same year, she established her own company HOU 71. In 2005, based on her complete knowledge and direct experience in the clubs around the world,
she published her first book "club culture!" from mainichi newspaper publishing, centered on clubs as social and cultural movements.
In 2006 she played a key role in organizing the music festival "sonar sound
tokyo". In 2007 she was a producer in introducing Japanese artists to the home "sonar sound barcelona".

At the age of 39, although having proclaimed herself as a cultural geek
with a strong liberal arts background, through club experiences, she founded a completely new, addictive musical status.
she now boasts of herself as the lady who has spent the longest hours of her
40s on the dancefloor.

Vogue nippon, launched in 1999, carried a series of her columns. "Sushi
dineouts by a woman alone", was later publishedas a book from yousen-sha in 2004. By then, her desire to make sushi herself had become uncontrollable and resulted in her sushi-making performance "bijin-zushi(beauty sushi)". Not only in japan, the performance toured around the globe to Moscow, Bologna, Berlin and Barcelona. Performance in Berlin celebrated the guerilla store opening of comme des garcons gellira shop , and attracted the local media. She organizes the "bijin-zushi night" where she explores the chemistry of music and her sushi performance.So far Gagaku, a Norwegian band SKIDI and a German band Johnny La Marama have collaboarted in the events.
* she never even imagined that her personal gourmet interest would be pursued this far in the medium of sushi.

In 2004, Reiko was appointed a part-time lecturer at nihon university,
department of literary art.The 2000s added the event production and product development to her job profile.In 2000, she directed the development of a cup noodle "indomen" at toyo-suisan, based on consumer research
collected on the internet. In 2005, she lectured "cafe seminar-interview to
the vivid artists" at academy hills, a cultural and educational complex organized and operated by mori building. In the following years to come, she produced "starlight garden planetarium africana" at roppongi hills viewdeck in 2006,
Maki Nomiya shows from 2006 to 2008, and the event at maru-building in 2008
on the theme of maiko.
* 2 staffs join the company to manage all the projects as a team.

Joint works published in 2008, 2009, and 2010 respectively:
"elegance-addicted" (INFAS) co-edited with Maki Nomiya and Maki Shinozaki,
"despute on princess masako" (yousen-sha) co-edited with Rika Kayama and
Takashi Odajima,
"design in business as a key to success"(magazine-house) co-edited with
Masanori Kanda

In 2008, the book "woman in drag as a woman"(shincho-shinsho) was

2010 delivered "beyond 40s!". Her sharp reflections of contemporary society
is desired and empathized with
women of various generations, who inevitably, wander amidst this
information-flooded scene with no central role model.
With her strong fan base, Reiko often makes appearances in the variety of
magazines for women in 20s to 50s,
guiding and asserting positive messages to women.

"public discussion of a man and a woman", a series of dialog essay with
ryuichi sakamoto started in 2009, andis currently publicized on the website "commmons" and the monthly magazine"goethe".

HOU 71 business: Edit, advertisement, planning/producing of events.


著述家。出版、広告の分野でクリエイティブ・ディレクター、プランナー、プロデューサーとして活動。同時に評論、エッセイストとしても著作活動を行っており、特に女性誌等のメディアにおいては、コメンテーターとしての登場多数。現場主義をモットーに、クラブカルチャー、映画、音楽、食、ファッション等、文化全般を広くそしてディープに横断する独特の視点には、ファンが多い。 メディア、アート、表現文化ジャンルにおける、幅広いネットワークを生かして、近年は、PR、企業のコンサルティングも多く手がけている。著作に『女ひとり寿司』(幻冬舎文庫)、『クラブカルチャー!』(毎日新聞出版局)、『女装する女』(新潮新書)、『四十路越え!』(ワニブックス)など。自らが寿司を握るユニット「美人寿司」を主催し世界を回る。(有)ホウ71取締役。日本大学藝術学部文藝学科非常勤講師。 Author,Director.Considered as an opinion leader for Japanese young women. Pieces written by her are regular columns in monthly magazines. Her unique point of view across wide popular culture from clubs ,movies,music,food,city and fashion has a huge following in japan .Her production work includes theatrical concerts of ex-pizzicato five lead singer Maki Nomiya since 2007.She is also famous for her sushi performance ''Bijin Sushi''(good looking girl sushi)since 2004. Her motto is to go and see and experience the scene with her own eyes & body. She has a broad network of close associates including Ryuichi Sakamoto ,has started a monthly column with her on his website 'commons' Shunji Iwai (Film Director)for Whom she was responsible for communication&publishing production,Tizuko Ueno(professor at tokyo University),Towa Tei(musician)Keita Maruyama(Fashon Designer),Yutaka Sone(artist)Marti Guixe(Designer),gelltin(artist),Jeff Mills(DJ),Tetsuya Mizuguchi(Game Producer)to name new a few. She is currently lecture at Nippon Daigaku School Of art and Literature . Managing director of HOU71. http://yuyamareiko.typepad.jp/